A Scented Cinema Weekend of Whiff and Wonder!

A feast for ALL of your senses!

Curated and scent-designed by Jas Brooks and my good self in cahoots with Cinema NOVA, Melbourne Australia. Smell Jim Jarmush’s Only Lovers Left Alive, experience Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory as never before. Salivate with Les Blank’s Garlic and as Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe. Enjoy a live score by Peter Dasent while scratch-and-sniffing Nosferatu’s chilling symphony of horror.

Friday July 5th enter into the shadowy, poetic world of “Only Lovers Left Alive” (2013). Venture through the desolate streets of Detroit and Tangiers alongside underground musician (Tom Hiddleston) and his undying love (Tilda Swinton), guided by a symphony of scents from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab presented in a foil souvenir box containing 12 vials. Experience the essence of the film’s characters and settings, including the brooding allure of Adam (leather – lupine) and the timeless elegance of Eternal Eve (honey – myrrh – yarrow), and bask in the delectable thrill of Blood Popsicles. We invite audiences to inhale the very soul of the film, each fragrance deepening your connection to the film’s melancholic beauty.

The Best Kind of Prize Is a *Sur*Prise!  On Saturday two chances to embark on a journey to the scrumdidilyumptuous world of “Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory” (1971). Don your most imaginative costume and dive into a world where fantasy becomes reality. To enjoy the whole scent-sory experience, each guest will receive a magical Whiff & Wonder Box, brimming with scratch-and-sniffables, delectable confections, and a trove of surprises to experience alongside the movie. Experience sinister whiffs of Slugworth’s bad breath, and peril as the aroma of blueberry hits your nostrils! Smell and Eat the chocolate river’s pull: rich, creamy, yummy. Journey alongside Mike Teavee to be zapped with tongue-crackling teleportation, and float away with Charlie into a realm of pure imagination…

On Sunday afternoon, savour smells at a Scented Buffet with Les Blank and Werner Herzog. Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers (1980) returns to the screen in ‘Aroma-Round’ alongside the unforgettable experience of Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (1980), bringing the aromas of Les Blanks iconic documentaries to life. Scratch & Sniff alongside Werner Herzog as he experiences the tantalising odour of leather softened with garlic, onion and a hint of fresh rosemary before a you relax, sit back and smell the result created by Scenting International For your main course sniff along as Les Blank celebrates the culinary and cultural significance of Garlic. And there’s more! Q & A with olfactory tragics and scent designers of the series, Jas Brooks and moi.

Your wife has a lovely neck…Our Scented Cinema Sunday afternoon finale is a hauntingly scented journey into Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (1922), F.W., Murnau’s masterpiece of German Expressionist cinema. Accompanied by a live score by Sydney-based composer and musician Peter Dasent, this silent film experience invites you to look, listen and Scratch & Sniff your way through a landscape of terror and mystery. From the earthy freshness of the natural world to the oppressive dread of Count Orlok’s domain, every eerie flicker, every haunting silhouette, now married to the scent of the unknown. Prepare for an unforgettable evening that marries the visual, auditory and olfactory into a chilling symphony of horror.

Look forward to smelling you there!